Lachlan Graham
Lachlan Graham was one of the first eight residents who moved into St Martin’s College in 1992. Lachlan was a “Yanco Ag boarder” and came to St Martin’s with his mate Andrew Hatty. Lachlan and Andrew had been friends from when they first met in Year 7 at high school and both came to study agriculture at CSU.
Life at St Martin’s was different to boarding school. While he was used to living and sharing with others, it was the first time Lachlan had lived with women and had to cook for himself. “It had a homely feel and was a fairly relaxed place to live.”
After he graduated in 1997 worked in a rural centre and then went truck driving but he says it felt like his first “real job” was when he went to MIA Rural in Colleambally. After a few years he moved to Deniliquin where he was working as an Agronomist for Elders before becoming the Merchandise Manager. Deniliquin was home for years as he met and married Roberta in 2003 and they had two sons.
The family moved to Cowra where he runs the Nutrien agency and has lots of opportunities to do what he’s always been passionate about: helping farmers do what they do.
Lachlan is keen to help young people who want to explore careers in agricultural industries and acknowledges that one of the greatest changes he has seen in his 30 years in the industry is the considerable growth of the number of women now employed in the agricultural sector.
Lachlan and Andrew still see one another regularly and enjoyed catching up with Narelle and Coralie, who they lived with in George Tassell House (cottage 376) when it opened 30 years ago, at the 30th anniversary dinner held in 2022.