St Martin’s College Alumni Association

St Martin’s College is proud of, and values, its Alumni.

We encourage past students to visit the college, keep in touch with the college and one another, and to consider supporting the college financially so that we can continue to grow and flourish.

We celebrated our 30th Anniversary with a series of events on the weekend of 17-18 September 2022 and it was good to welcome back as many of our alumni as were able to come.

If you would like to receive monthly prayer points to be able to pray for the College please email us.

Stay in touch - join our online community

Silver Anniversary

In 2017, St Martins College celebrated 25 years of service to students living on campus at Charles Sturt University’s Wagga Wagga campus.

Our Anniversary Dinner was held on 20 May, 2017, at which the Silver Anniversary edition of the College History was released.

Download a copy of the history book here.

Donations and Bequests

Alumni are encouraged to give something back to their old college.

You may like to give a bequest or support the college’s new projects or programs. Contact us to see where your support is most needed today.

Keeping in Touch

Past students can keep in touch with college news by
- Following the St Martin’s College Facebook page
- Joining the St Martin’s College Facebook group
- Reaching out to us via email


A support group called FRIENDS OF ST MARTINS has been formed for people who want to support the college.

Update your details

If you are a past student and think your details may have changed please complete the following form.